Tessa is a designer, writer, and teacher from Aotearoa New Zealand. A member of the Berlin Poetry Collective, she’s based in Hamburg, where she founded the Writers Who Write meet-up. She has contributed to Landfall, Mslexia, and Folly journals amongst others, and presented her poems, graphics, and short fiction on stages from Transylvania to Belfast.

Poetry collection Dream Houses

Tessa’s first poetry collection DREAM HOUSES was published in 2019 by Kelsay Books. It is available to order from the publisher (US), Amazon (EU), and Walmart (yes, you read that right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). If you live in Ōtepoti, why not get it out of the Dunedin Public Library.

Short Fiction & Prose

Her short fiction and prose texts have been published by Sydney University Press in Phoenix Writers Journal, as well as online at The Local Germany (behind a paywall but read for free on my site Letters from Hamburg here 😀), long-listed for the Berlin Writers Prize, performed by actors at Books Without Covers and read (by her!) at Fiction Canteen in Berlin. Tessa has also worked in corporate storytelling in the tech industry.

Writers Who Write at Freiraum

Tessa founded this writing meet-up in 2020 – the group, which is open to writers of any language background currently meet twice monthly in the Freiraum project room at Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe for focused writing sprints, ⏳ writerly companionship, and to banish that innere Schweinehund 🐷🐶


An art director and print designer in the culture and non-profit space of many years standing, you can download Tessa’s portfolio here (15 mb⚡️).

Connect with me

If you’d like to connect you can find me on instagram @tessa_sinclair_scott or, take a look at what I’ve been up to lately on Linktree🌴